Benefits of Doing Business Online

Bonjour!  I’m in Europe studying abroad with my MBA program, having a blast, and want to share with you some benefits of doing business online.  Having an online business I’m able to stay connected with my family, clients, hot prospects, and business partners via the internet and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and…

YouTube Joins Pinterest

YouTube has opened up an account on Pinterest and plans to post videos daily on its boards. These videos will range on topics from crafts, lifestyle tips, beauty, food and fitness. On Thursday’s blog post, YouTube has admitted that they already have an account with the other big social networks: Facebook, Google +, and Twitter. Pinterest…

Facebook’s New Edit Feature

Have you used Facebook’s new edit feature yet?  The social network launched this feature two days ago and it allows you to edit your comments and auto-corrected type-o’s.  I’m certain we’ve all had our share of comments we’d like to change and end up deleting the post because of it.  Now you can edit your…

Facebook Allows Page Admins to Schedule Posts

Facebook has finally allowed page admins to schedule out posts. People have been using third party applications such as Hootsuite to schedule out message and posts onto Facebook and Twitter. These will no longer be as useful as Facebook has put in place its own feature to schedule out posts. There is now a help…

10 Awesome Social Networks That You Don’t Know About Part Two

Continuing from the part one article. Here are the other 5 niche social networks you have never heard about. Comicspace: As the name suggests, this site provides a medium for comic creators and fans to interact via blogs and post original webcomics. Currently, there are 89,587 active members.  CafeMom: This website provides an online meeting…

10 Awesome Social Networks That You Don’t Know About Part One

Are you overwhelmed by the spam and junk that clutters your newsfeed on Facebook? Are you sick and tired of the tweets people post every five seconds? And Google + not what you thought it was? Well if any of these are true for you, then here are 5 really cool niche networks that you…

Keep trying Google +: Engagement still not the same as Facebook or Twitter

Despite Google’s claim that the network is growing rapidly, a study came out showing the exact opposite. According to RJ Metrics, 30% of users who make a public post never do it again. They looked at the public posts from a population of 40,000 Google + users, but only one third was applicable to the…

Why Pinterest? Explosive Stats Part Two

Continuing from last time, Pinterest is the third largest social networking site and here are more amazing statistics so get ready to be amazed! According to Tamba, the average Pinterest user spends 14.2 minutes per visit. In addition, the average user spends 98 minutes per month on the site, compared to 2.5 hours on Tumblr,…

Why Pinterest? Explosive Stats Part One

Launched a little more than two years ago, Pinterest is now the third largest social networking site only behind Facebook and Twitter. It boasts 10.4 million members on its website. Now, we will explore why that is looking at some startling statistics. According to Experian, total visits in March were as follows: 1. Facebook: 7…

Facebook Engagement Increasing Contrary to Reuters Poll

There was a poll last week saying that one third of Facebook users are using it less than compared to 6 moths ago. There has been new stats that state the opposite.  Conducted by Reuters and research firm Ipsos, the survey gathered responses from 1,032 participants and found that 35% of users are using it less and…