The Year In Social Media (via eBook!)

Well Salty Waffle friends, social media continues to move at breakneck speed. Even in just the last few months, StumbleUpon passed up Facebook, Google went social, and Skype cashed in with the empire. We know it can be darn near impossible to keep up with everything, especially all the latest best practices, strategies, great business tools, services, and otherwise…

Is Twitter Telling Us It’s The End Of The World?

Not even going to answer that, too messy. However, social media is reacting strongly to the idea that tomorrow might be the end of the world and the rapture event certain ancient texts speak of. If you’ve been following Twitter this evening, you might have noticed a few trending hashtags regarding the ‘rapture’. Whether you…

Rampant Addiction: Social Games Are Taking Over Lives

This might be the simplest social media infographic we’ve ever seen, but it might just be the most shocking. Nearly 1 of every 5 people playing social games via Facebook think they are actually addicted! 927 million hours are spent social gaming every single month. And, the kicker: 50% of log-ins to Facebook are specifically…

Social Media Vocabulary: EdgeRank

Some of, if not the most important parts of the web are the algorithms that make it run. Google’s search formula determines who shows up where in results, web crawlers are controlled by algorithms as they comb the web for information, and yes, social media uses them to make our online social life tick. A word popped…

Really? 1 in 5 Smartphone Users Check-In

In the past few months I’ve gone from gung-ho Foursquare fanatic, to apathetic location loser. In fact, today Nicole couldn’t even convince me to check-in to Cactus down on Alki. It just didn’t seem worth the almost zero effort it would have required. Well, today I might have been given a little hope. With a…

Sorry, But I Have To Ask…

Today’s infographic gives us some really interesting statistics on the ‘social ask’. We’re inundated by requests on social media sites everyday, that’s  a fact, but is it too much? Does it bother you when someone requests a like, a follow, a fan me, or something similar? Is 3 million a month just too much? How do…

Don’t Lose Everything: Back-up Your Social Media

It’s something most of us don’t think about on a regular basis, but the safety of your online data is always at risk. Twitter has well publicized up-time issues and even the behemoth’s like Facebook and Google have a little kinks in the line once in a while. When you start thinking about the possibility of losing…

Just How Quick Is Twitter? Quick Enough To Save Your Life

When Japan was hit with an Earthquake, Twitter was there. When Osama got taken out, it was live on Twitter. So what does this mean? It means Twitter is a legitimate place for information to spread FAST. On cue, Mexico is the first among what might become an increasing number of countries to use Twitter…

Social Media Vocabulary: #SM Diseases and Disorders Part II

Social media can sure be fun, but sometimes we can run into problems, especially when it comes to those nasty diseases and disorders. We warned you about a few before, but here are 5 more to watch out for! Social Media Anxiety: Stemming from a fear of being judged or being foolish, a person suffering from social…

The Problem With Stumbleupon

The problem isn’t so much with StumbleUpon itself, as it is with the traffic that comes from it. Earlier this year, StumbleUpon passed up Facebook as the number one source of social media traffic in the US. That means that StumbleUpon is responsible for more people finding more links and visiting those links, despite having…