Google Tugs At Your Heartstrings With ‘Dear Sophie’

A while back we wrote that the online records of people stored across various profiles in social media would begin to create the richest living history the human race has ever seen. It seems Google agrees. Their new commercial promoting Chrome tells the story of a father recording the life of his daughter starting with…

Social Media Vocabulary: Social Networks For Better Health!

We’ve covered all kinds of social networks in the past with previous editions of social media vocabulary, so when I realized a couple of my favorite alternative networks were missing, I knew it was time to get them their time in the sun. This week’s theme is fitness and health. As you will see, there…

Osama Top 10: The Comprehensive Guide To The Social Media Swirl Before, During, and After Bin Laden’s Death

If you haven’t heard that Osama bin Laden is dead, you must be living under a rock (No pun intended). When news first broke about Osama, it didn’t happen on any major news network. Twitter beat everyone to it, in fact, the events of Osama’s death were live tweeted by a guy chilling in the…

10 Social Media Facts: Socialnomics

Ever since I watched their first video, I have loved Socialnomics way of putting social media into perspective. Today we have another video from them and some more awesome social media facts and stats. Sit back and enjoy! Adults spend over 15 hours a week online Broadband access is 55%, it will be 90% in…

Live And Die By Your Social Media Metrics

This week has touched on social media influence and social media ROI. So, what ties those two together nicely? Social media analytics! We’ve gone over some tools for measuring your influence and tracking your efforts, but now what do you with that information exactly? Unfortunately, no one answer is right for every person or every…

Social Butterfly: All About My Recent 5 Way

Let’s be honest, one-on-one is great, but who hasn’t thought about the college threesome or even an office foursome? I mean, get out your webcam right? OK, OK! Sorry, before this gets too much farther and I get into trouble, what I’m really talking about does involve multiple people and a webcam, but our activities…

Guest Post by Bradley Bator:5 Easy Steps To Make Your Profile Picture Count

Face it, studies show humans are visual learners, so in a content-filled world of social media, an eye-catching profile picture will give you an edge. Use these 5 easy tips to stick out and take your profile pic from ordinary to extraordinary! To take a great picture: 1. Say ‘cheese’: People are more approachable when they…

Social Media ROI: Exactly How Much Is A ‘Share’ Or ‘Like’ Worth?

Ever thought about exactly how much one of your Facebook fans or Twitter followers might be worth? In terms of real dollars? Well, Chompon set out to figure just that out and came back with some interesting results: Unfortunately, these numbers don’t necessarily mean that every time someone tweets about you, it’s going to translate…

Poll: Which Type of Twitterer Are You?

If you break down all the different types of people on Twitter out there into groups, it seems there are about 6 main types. Convenient because there are also 6 Stages To Twitter Evolution! If you were to classify yourself, which group would you fall into? The Maven? Mensch? Smore? Maybe you are sitting between…

10 Things I Hate About You(r Facebook)

We talk about the many reasons that Facebook is awesome, useful, and generally improves parts of our lives, but there is another side, the side of Facebook that can be aggravating and annoying. So, seeing as it’s Friday, that I’ve been sick all week, and on Facebook more than usual, I decided to compile a…