5 Tips For Saving Time On Twitter

If you have been trying to build up your Twitter skills and enhance your social media strategy with your tweeting and following, we have some tips that will help save you some time. Many thanks to Leyl Black for inspiration on this awesome list. Follow Other’s Lists: Chances are, there is a comprehensive list of people…

Aliens Real: FBI, Facebook Confirm

The famous Roswell incident has always been the story believers in flying saucers and alien life point to as some kind of proof. Conspiracy theories and rumors about a supposed crash landing of alien ships in New Mexico and the shrouded nature of Area 51 leave many wondering if something extraterrestrial did happen all those…

Social Media Vocabulary: OMG, WTF Does That Mean Edition

Chatting, texting, status updates, IM’s, and all the text based communication we do has given us, for better or worse, a slough of interesting acronyms. Below are some of the most popular ones being used on social networks, in tweets, and various places on the web. We want to make sure you know what all of…

Sleep Texting: Revealing Messages or Just Babble?

It looks like we’re just not getting enough time to text during the day because our brains have turned to texting in our sleep to get it’s fill. Initial skepticism turned to curiosity when a friend told me she has texted in her sleep multiple times. She woke up to find messages she didn’t remember sending and…

The Dark Side of Social Media, Jealousy

We know Facebook stalking is just a fact of life these days, but is this social media espionage actually bad for you? Research published by CyberPsychology and Behaviors says yes.  If you have a tendency to be jealous, monitoring your lover or ex-lover on Facebook can make you more so. The case looked at the jealousy levels…

20 Free Ways To Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts

Twitter just keeps growing in the social media world and as it becomes more and more responsible for information sharing on the web, individuals and businesses are taking note. If you happen to be one of those lucky people managing multiple Twitter accounts either for different blogs, your business, or a combination of personal and…

The ‘Dirty’ Domain: Your Thoughts On .XXX?

This leads nowhere dirty After years of battles and reversed decisions, .xxx domains are finally going to be available for pornographic sites. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) seems to have made .xxx an available top-level domain despite some debate surrounding the issue. It wasn’t until recently that porn was passed by social…

Friday Infographic: Phones Are Taking Over Our Social Lives

It kinda seems like everyone is on their phone a lot these days doesn’t it? Turns out we’re not just texting and browsing, but socializing. Social media has made the jump to our mobile devices in a big way. If you look at one shocking portion of the Flowtown infographic below, you will notice that…

Making Sweet Social Music Together

Music has been slowly getting back to being the more social experience that it really should be. The digital music age and hostile iPod takeover of the industry really isolated us in our listening and made music more solitary than maybe ever before. Thankfully things are headed back the other way. Social networks like last.fm,…

Men Dominate Twitter: 15% More Followers

Well, YouTube may be the social network site that has more male users, but another site has some interesting trends going in the male direction. It is well-known that most social network activity centers on women and that they are generally more active in social media than men, but some Twitter stats about gender make…