The Power Of Thanks In Social Media And Life

Your parents always told you, remember ‘please and thank you’. Well, it turns out it isn’t just for the sake of others and good manners, but its also good for your health, your business, and your social media efforts. For a long time we have known that saying thank you strengthens relationships, improves mood, and…

Sharing Is Caring: Why You Should Care About More Than Facebook

It’s the end of the week and we have another lovely social media related infographic for you to digest. We’ve been building new classes all this week and personally, my mind is a little mushy. When that’s the case, as it usually seems to be on Friday, something visually is a just a bit easier. Take…

Social Media Vocabulary: Group Shopping Extravaganza

There are so many group buying sites out there that it’s already almost impossible to keep track of all the deals. If you hear any of these strange names out the in the social media world, it’s a group buying site, we thought you might like to know a few more places to get deals…

The New Facebook Photo Thing Sucks, Barbie/Ken Is Back On, Eminem Got ‘No Love’ At The Grammy’s, Google Weddings, And How Social Media Saved Valentine’s Day

And…I would give out an award for longest title ever, but Lady Antebellum would probably find a way to snatch it from me. Well, it’s now officially Valentine’s Day and the weekend leading up to it gave us all a lot to take in. Let me break down the main points because these are the…

Traffic Is Vanity, Conversion Is Sanity

These are wise words, traffic can make you feel great, but if it doesn’t convert for you, it doesn’t mean much. On Thursday we had a record day in terms of traffic on Salty Waffle, like, by a LOT. One article in particular was viewed over 1,700 times and shared 142 times via Facebook. We’re…

Anatomy Of A User: Twitter vs. Facebook

Facebookers and Twitterer don’t look exactly the same. They have significant overlap, yes, but they are two distinct crowds. If you are looking to target a specific group of people, this breakdown may help you decide where to focus your efforts more heavily. Thank you to Digital Surgeons for this Fridays’ infographic. Note: We have seen statistics for…

Cash Money: Social Networking and Ads

Just how much are advertisers putting into social media these days? Well, a lot more than they used to and it doesn’t look like that trend is bound to stop soon. Personally, I am not a numbers person, it isn’t how I learn, so when I went to find out some information about the landscape…

Are Groupon And The Clone Army Doomed?

With Facebook Deals launching, it has me thinking about all these social group buying deal sites. We have Groupon, Living Social, hundreds of local deal sites, and all the Groupon clones. Google is set to launch their own competitor in ‘Offers’ and it seems likely more are soon to pop up. Harnessing the power of…

Why Your Social Media Package Needs Music

So you think you have it all, the Twitter page, the Facebook, the LinkedIn even. You’ve got a blog pumping out the fresh content daily, you know what, you even know how to use stations on Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to listen in on conversations your customers are having. You’re a social media machine. (If that…