Facebook Homicide: 5 Manners Social Media Killed

The following is a crime scene; there are 5 dead manners below. The chief suspect: social media and its greatest accomplice, Facebook. Growing up, my mom was a stickler for manners and they have served me well. I know I slip up all the time, sorry mom, but for the most part I try and…

Social Media Vocabulary: Social Media Meets Music

Ah, Tuesday. The day all the new albums come out. It’s a day I wait for every week for two reasons, the new music and the new Salty Waffle social media vocabulary. Today it’s all in one baby. Ping: Ping is a social network built within iTunes that is all about music. You can update…

San Fran Salty: Headed For The Crunchies!

It’s past 2 and I can’t sleep and it must be because tomorrow Salty Waffle is jetting off to San Francisco for TechCrunch’s Crunchies Awards. We’re hoping to meet a ton of great people and learn new things that we can share with you. While we’re there we are going to soak up as much…

Social Media Vocabulary: Fresh From Canada

Freshly back from from Whistler, I thought today’s edition of social media vocabulary should feature some interesting words they toss around in the Great White North. In particular, these are some of the most popular social networking sites in Canada. Go Maple Leafs! Club Penguin: Club Penguin is the first of a few different virtual world type…

Social Media Vocabulary: Disease and Disorder Edition

It’s Tuesday already again and you know what that means; social media vocabulary from Salty Waffle! Today’s list is interesting, it highlights 5 different disorders and diseases that one may suffer from in the world of social media. Don’t worry, you won’t catch anything! Social Media Anxiety: A fear of communication social media sites. Severely…

Are You On The Right Network For Your Age?

It is no secret that there are lots of people using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and LinkedIn, but it may surprise you exactly who those people are. Using Google Ad Planner, Pingdom put together some great statistics on the age distribution across a number of specific social networks and the use of…

For Your Resolutions: 5 Fun Fitness Apps

New Years is always a time for resolutions, goals, starting over, or rededicating. Fitness and health seem to be a popular trends in resolutions and is a goal for some of us here at Salty Waffle as well. We figured we weren’t the only ones interested in some apps to help out along the way…

15 Stages of Online Presence Evolution Through Social Media, Conclusion

Here it is! The final part of the 15 Stages of Evolution of the Online Presence Through Social Media. If you haven’t been following along, catch up with the first three parts here, here, and here if you missed them and let us know where you are at, we’ll meet you there. Read on for the exciting conclusion:…