10 Infinite Marketing Principles

The first thing to remember is marketing starts with the right market, the right message, using the right media, and each of these components depend on each other.  If you have the wrong message, it won’t matter what media it’s on or what market you’re speaking to.  If you have the wrong media, your market…

Local Marketing: Who Nearby Is Talking About You?

When you begin to tune into social and dig for those key conversations and influencers to share your content with, it might be important to sift down to a particular geographical area.  If you have a Real Estate business in one city, you want to look at all of the relevant tweets in your area,…

Switch On Your Facebook #Timeline Today

You may have heard that the new Facebook Timeline is rolling out for everyone now. If you don’t want to wait, follow the link! Activate your Timeline. Once you do it, Facebook gives you 7 days to edit your Facebook life’s history before it gets published. (Good choice) Have fun surfing through your first Facebook…

Video: Getting A Job With Social Media

Meet the VideoJug sock puppet and take a quick journey with him as he takes us through a great How To video on finding a job using social media. It’s a great quick look for some quick things you can do to make your profiles look a little better and start identifying jobs you would…

2 Reasons Google Plus Is Beating And Will Beat Facebook Long Term

Last week we wrote about how to go about getting a Google Plus page for your business. If you weren’t convinced to get one, check this out. You have to get one!   1.  Google Plus doesn’t need Facebook type member numbers to win right now, not even close. Why? Your network dictates a huge…

Google Plus Pages For Businesses, Hop On!

Just recently, Google Plus added a place for businesses to create pages. Now, just like on Facebook and LinkedIn, there is a dedicated place to add a company page and connect with your fans and community. The process is simpler than pages on any of the other major networks, but we found it to be…

5 Psychological Effects Of Too Much Social Media [Good and Bad]

It’s hard to know what the long-term effects of social media will be, especially on younger generations that will grow up plugged into Facebook as soon as they can type. What we can look at though, are some short-term effects, not all of which are negative. In fact, some great articles over at PsychCentral point…