5 Hootsuite Tools To Save You From Twitter Overload

It’s no secret we’re big fans of Hootsuite here, we use it everyday to make our lives easier and keep up with the dizzying world of Twitter. We teach about Hootsuite in our classes and I figured, hey, these are some great social media vocabulary words people should know. Some of these words are unique…

Geosocial, The NBA Lockout, and Infographics Galore

I know that we usually show you our favorite infographics on Fridays, but being that today is my birthday and I personally love them so much, I’m putting a couple awesome ones up right now! Check both of these out, the first is on who is using location based social networks and the second is…

Social Media Vocabulary: Twitter #hashtag Edition

Twitter has not only given us a slough of new Twitter-based words, it also adds to the growing world of new social media vocabulary with the hashtags that grow out of the network. These are 5 of the most popular trends from 2010 mixed with a couple of our personal favorites. If you’re tweeting, it might…

How To Tell Who Deleted You On New Facebook [Update]

If you were one of the many people who have been using the script we wrote about a while back to track when someone deletes you on Facebook, you may have noticed it stopped working when the new Facebook launched in September. Well, as far as we can tell the script hasn’t been fixed yet….

Occupy Wall Street: The Social Media Map

When I saw this map of Occupy Wall Street, I had to share. ESRI has put together a map marking significant pieces of media and social media related to Occupy Wall Street. There are YouTube videos, tweets, and pictures. You can move about the map and look at reactions related to the movement. It’s easier to try out than…

3 Twitter Do’s and 3 Twitter Don’ts

When it comes to Twitter, there is some etiquette involved. At Salty Waffle we’re all about passing on the social media knowledge we’ve come by, so here are three things you should do on Twitter, and three things you probably shouldn’t. If you are interested in learning more about social media etiquette and best practices, try out one of…

Rejected: 95% Of Employers Use Social Networks To Check Out Job Candidates

Our friends at Faronics have been hard at work writing a bunch of great articles on everything from how to be safer online, to trends in social media. If you need a security expert, they are a great source. This is a guest post from Ryan at Faronics on just how important it is to…

Social Media Certification

Google it and see how many credible looking pages you find. How many actual schools have a program listed? How many universities even have a single class offered on social media? A seminar even? If your search was anything like mine, it was filled with junk. Links and ads that make hard to tell which…

Social Media Vocabulary: What Is All This Weird New Facebook Stuff?

By now, you have probably either accepted the new look of Facebook, albeit grudgingly, or moved on to Google+ or something else. Either way, you will want to know what all this new stuff is so you can properly praise it or complain about it. So, this week social media vocabulary is giving a name to…