3 Ways to Get Involved With The Samaritans Purse

The Samaritans Purse is a non-denominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Their name is based off the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37, which gives a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help those in desperate need wherever we find them. On their…

Contour + Community: Missionaries Sharing Their Story Through Video

Contour is a company that creates hands-free video cameras. Unlike most, they have created a social media site revolved around their customers. The company focuses on “modern day explores” who want to share their stories of action, adventure and travel through video. Members on their site are able to upload and share videos as well as…

Social Media’s Impacts & Barriers

Social media is changing the way we seek information and learn. Traditionally, libraries and encyclopedias were major sources of information for just about everything. Most learning took place in the classroom, at work, or in person with knowledgeable people in your network. Now things have changed. Online there are how-to blogs, step-by-step videos, and interactive…

Family Focus Friday: Two Social Media Sites For Mom’s Baby Journal

Are you looking for a place online to share you children’s funny moments with family in a safe way? Facebook seems to be the best place out there at first glance, however it is not the best social media site to satisfy this need. Here are two social media sites for families to come together:…

Social Media’s 5 Reasons: Facebook For Church Outreach

An article by Mashable lists 5 Key takeaways on why Facebook is great for your churches outreach efforts:1. Facebook is a natural extension of people’s social interaction.  It is a daily, ingrained habit like drinking coffee in the morning or brushing your teeth. 2. Facebook is not just for teenagers or college students.  It is used…

Social Media Waffle Side: Using Social Media To Fireproof Your Marriage.

Social media can be used to perform the Love Dare! I recently came across a wonderful article by SpouseBUZZ, a blogging site dedicated to military spouses. In their article, The 40 Day Deployment Dare, they talk about the book The Love Dare and how it has been changed into a 40 day deployment dare. A dare that has…

Get Prezi With It! Using Social Media To Make Lessons.

The Navigators is an international Christian ministry focused on teaching others about Jesus. They are using social media to do just that! They currently have a Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. As their site states, “Navigators are people who love Jesus Christ and desire to help others know and grow in Him as they “navigate” through…

Homeless People Use Social Media For Support

CNN had a story on how homeless people are using social media to find community, food, and shelter. How amazing. Twitter is the main source of finding food shelters and housing for people online. Likewise, AnnMarie Walsh, a woman previously homeless began tweeting to conquer her fears and loneliness attributed to living on the street. This is…

Inspirational Social Media Sunday: Wives Of Faith Community

Wives of Faith is an great social media site for women in the military who believe in God. The site is dedicated to connecting, supporting, and encouraging military wives. There are many different features that are extremely resourceful.  Outside of membership: Prayer Ministry: The site receives prayer requests via email (prayer@wivesoffaith.org). Each request that is received…

Social Media Etiquette 4 Do’s & 4 Don’ts: How To Act Like The Church Online

Another social media author here at Salty Waffle has posted some great articles about online behaviors. Since we are representing Christ, we all want to try to behave in a way that brings glory to God. With social media being such a foreign land to some of us, it is sometimes hard to know how…