Social Media Faith Blogger: How To Build Online Relationships Like Jesus

Paul Steinbrueck, an author for Christian Web Trends is currently writing a wonderful series called How to Build Online Relationships Like Jesus. This five part series covers the ins and outs of managing relationships online. Here is an overview of the series: Part 1: Paul points out some serious questions raised by one of his…

Social Media’s LinkedIn Part 1: The Benefits For Churches

LinkedIn is a social media site aimed at professional use as opposed to Facebook, which is more often used for more casual relationships, like friends and family. There are two main benefits for churches to start using LinkedIn.Benefits 1) LinkedIn is great for finding applicants for any position. Whether the church is looking for a…

Inspirational Social Media Sunday: Sharing The Word Of God Through Social Media

There is nothing more inspirational than sharing the Word of God. In addition to our mouths, letters, phones, and emails, social media is another tool we can use to spread the Word. There are currently many different resources for scripture online today. My personal favorite was Bible Gateway, before I realized just how many sources…

3 Benefits of Social Media To Grow Your Church In Knowledge And Love

“Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.” Colossians 1:10 As a church, we should always be motivated to grow in our understanding of Christ and each other….

Social Media Waffle Side: 7 Tips On How Social Media Can Help You With Your Wedding, Part 2

Welcome back! Today we are finishing off the tip list how to use social media during your wedding. Mashable’s articles on Wedding Etiquette and Wedding Tips, along with an article from The Man’s Registry provided insightful content. Here are the rest of the take away tips: 5. Registry Along with getting free stuff from bloggers,…

Inspirational Social Media Sunday: 5 Ways To Share On GodVine

Social media is changing the way we share stories. In the last hour, I have seen a 10 month old baby say “I love you,” watched a baby boy pronounced dead come to life in his mother’s arms, and watched a father surprised on his birthday by his daughter’s return from war. All of these…