Online Bible Studies Through Social Media Part 1

Have you wanted to participate in a bible study but found yourself either too busy, strapped down by kids, or unavailable at the times the studies are happening? Social media solves this problem by make studies available when you are! It’s very convenient. The time you choose to commit always agrees with your schedule since…

Family Focus Friday: 9 Social Media Sites For Kids Part 1

Are you hesitant to use social media because you worry about exposing your children to the Internet? Those days are long gone. Social media has expanded to be kid friendly. I do not mean the major networks like Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Rather kid versions created for different age groups who want to go online…

Social Media Blogging: 4 Types Of Blogs Connecting The World To Our Missionaries

Social media is a great way for missionaries to connect with supporters and loved ones back home. Inspirational stories can be followed and donors can see the difference their money is making first-hand with photos, video blogs, and written stories available online. 1) Written Blogging: is the first form of blogging. People write articles to share…

Social Media Waffle Side: 7 Tips On How Social Media Can Help You With Your Wedding Part 1

Social media for your wedding experience – what a great idea! My sophomore year in high school I met my husband, though I didn’t know it at the time :). Four years later we got married in a small chapel on an Air Force base in Del Rio, TX. The event was very short and…

Faith-Based Conferences & College Using Social Media

On the weekend of July 15th there will be a conference held for women of faith in California. The conference, Women Disciplining Women, teaches women to apply the gospel concretely in every area of life. Founded on the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word, every conference session highlights the issues that drive our thoughts, attitudes…

YouTube: 25,000 Words Communicated Per Second

Social Media is changing the way we communicate. People say a picture is worth a thousand words. With videos typically using 25 frames per second, at least 25,000 words worth of description are being communicated per second! The audio/visual medium reaches beyond words because it includes movement and sound. It delves deep into our senses…

Family Focus Friday: Game it Up with Social Media

Aside from communicating with the congregation, social media games can be created to teach and involve members. There are many different church wide activities that a church could host through social media. Game Examples Include: 1) Scavenger hunts for the congregation to play on social media sites. Twitter: Church members hosting the game could plant…