Local Marketing: Who Nearby Is Talking About You?

When you begin to tune into social and dig for those key conversations and influencers to share your content with, it might be important to sift down to a particular geographical area.  If you have a Real Estate business in one city, you want to look at all of the relevant tweets in your area,…

Monetize Your Blog Or Website: 3 Easy Affiliate Programs

You have a website, maybe even some decent traffic. You don’t necessarily sell a physical product, but people visit you for information or entertainment and you want to turn that into a little bit of cash money. Well, luckily there are a couple great programs for doing just that. Not everyone can work out a…

Guest Post | How To: Create A Great Password

by Kelly Batke at Faronics In my previous post on passwords, I posted the 25 worst passwords of 2011. If you didn’t see any of your passwords in that list, that’s good news. But chances are you’re reading this article because you’re nervous that your password may not be strong enough. While some websites are starting to provide an…

OpenSiteExplorer: Which Of Your Links Are The Hottest?

OddDog has a way with SEO, so when they told us about Open Site Explorer, a tool built by SEOmoz, we listened carefully. Getting links to drive the rank of the pages on your site is a must. But, all links are not created equal, some links have higher value than others. This means if…

Video: Getting A Job With Social Media

Meet the VideoJug sock puppet and take a quick journey with him as he takes us through a great How To video on finding a job using social media. It’s a great quick look for some quick things you can do to make your profiles look a little better and start identifying jobs you would…

5 Hootsuite Tools To Save You From Twitter Overload

It’s no secret we’re big fans of Hootsuite here, we use it everyday to make our lives easier and keep up with the dizzying world of Twitter. We teach about Hootsuite in our classes and I figured, hey, these are some great social media vocabulary words people should know. Some of these words are unique…