Anatomy Of A User: Twitter vs. Facebook

Facebookers and Twitterer don’t look exactly the same. They have significant overlap, yes, but they are two distinct crowds. If you are looking to target a specific group of people, this breakdown may help you decide where to focus your efforts more heavily. Thank you to Digital Surgeons for this Fridays’ infographic. Note: We have seen statistics for…

Cash Money: Social Networking and Ads

Just how much are advertisers putting into social media these days? Well, a lot more than they used to and it doesn’t look like that trend is bound to stop soon. Personally, I am not a numbers person, it isn’t how I learn, so when I went to find out some information about the landscape…

Social Media Vocabulary: Social Media Meets Music

Ah, Tuesday. The day all the new albums come out. It’s a day I wait for every week for two reasons, the new music and the new Salty Waffle social media vocabulary. Today it’s all in one baby. Ping: Ping is a social network built within iTunes that is all about music. You can update…

Social Media Vocabulary: Disease and Disorder Edition

It’s Tuesday already again and you know what that means; social media vocabulary from Salty Waffle! Today’s list is interesting, it highlights 5 different disorders and diseases that one may suffer from in the world of social media. Don’t worry, you won’t catch anything! Social Media Anxiety: A fear of communication social media sites. Severely…

For Your Resolutions: 5 Fun Fitness Apps

New Years is always a time for resolutions, goals, starting over, or rededicating. Fitness and health seem to be a popular trends in resolutions and is a goal for some of us here at Salty Waffle as well. We figured we weren’t the only ones interested in some apps to help out along the way…

The 6 Stages of Twitter Evolution

I saw this great post by Robert Swanwick, aka Swan, @spkrinteractive, @swanwick, or @twchat (definitely check him out, he has some great stuff)  about the stages people go through as they find Twitter and begin to use it. The stages were great, but we tweaked a few based on what we see happening in our social media…