The Top 10 Productivity Apps for Business Professionals

Since today’s first post was all about how unproductive Monday’s and email can make us, we decided to try and cheer you up a little and show you some mobile goodies for increasing productivity. The descriptions and this top ten list are courtesy of developmentnow, one of our good friends out there in the blogoshpere. Take…

Crowd Sourcing Trust, The Social Network That’s All About Helping Each Other Out

Ever played that Google game where you hop from result to result real quick like hoping not to get your feet burned on a bad link? Us too, but no longer do you have to worry about those shady sites full of viruses and spyware. And that’s thanks to you. Thanks to you and a…

We’re Faster Than You At Texting, Thanks To Another Great Local Company: Swype!

If I told you there was one man that has touched over 3 billion phones and has set himself up to touch every single one from here on out, would you believe me? Probably not, but it is the true story of Cliff Kushler. I learned about him when I saw a commercial advertising a…

3 Business Tips From Frogger: Traffic, Bounce, and Conversion

If you are not familiar with the classic arcade game, Frogger is a game featuring a loveable frog that you must safely navigate across a busy highway so that he may feast on the tasty bugs on the other side. It is simple enough, but I was thinking aboutthe topic of web analytics and metrics,…

Twitter Grader: The Little Bird On Our Shoulder

The people over at HubSpot have created another great tool for measuring your online influence and effectiveness. In this case, the relative influence of twitter account. The product is called Twitter Grader and through its simple interface allows you to get a grade for any twitter account. We have made our twitter score part of…

Working in the Cloud: Time to Get Up There or ‘Things Are Getting Cloudy’

If you try a Google search for ‘cloud’, those fluffy white things you see in the sky are the second result. What kind of world do we live in where the ancient practice of nephology places behind this Johnny-come-lately known as cloud computing? Well, the modern working world. The idea of the ‘cloud’ is fairly simple, instead of…

Spotlight Sunday: TeachStreet, “The Craigslist for Classes”

A while back I had the pleasure of listening t0 the founder of TeachStreet, Dave Schappell, speak about his journey through building a successful company. It was a great presentation and he was extremely honest about the rigors of doing so, even admitting at one point that the only reason he was able to get through…