2 Things You HAVE To Do With The New Timeline Facebook Brand Pages

Really there are 3. The first one is getting the new Timeline-based look for your brand ASAP. Like the Timeline or not, it is a massive upgrade for brand pages which are notoriously plain. When that notification comes up, take the plunge and then make sure to do these 2 things right away! [Update: Activate…

The Top 100 Social Media Colleges

In another fruitless search for quality social media curriculum offered by the colleges and universities that we trust to educate tomorrow’s workforce, I came across an interesting list. While not an assessment of programs or courses offered on social media, this list, created by StudentAdvisor.com, looks at which school are most effectively using social media to recruit students and…

Getting Social with Super Bowl XLVI

Are you ready for some football?  Ready or not this year’s Super Bowl could be the most social event yet.  It may not be the ritual you’re used to but the social media buzz has gotten louder and louder for the most epic game day in America.  Twitter, Facebook and Google+ are taking advantage of social media…

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

The number of people who access the web on a smartphone is rapidly increasing.  Mobile users want content at their fingertips, that they can access anytime, anywhere.  Developing a mobile friendly site means creating a site that’s elastic enough to display nicely on whatever device your end user is viewing it on.  Website owners are…