Social Media Blogging: 4 Types Of Blogs Connecting The World To Our Missionaries

Social media is a great way for missionaries to connect with supporters and loved ones back home. Inspirational stories can be followed and donors can see the difference their money is making first-hand with photos, video blogs, and written stories available online. 1) Written Blogging: is the first form of blogging. People write articles to share…

Google’s Pool Party

Pinky: “Say Google, what do you want to do tonight?” Google: “The same thing we do every night Pinky…” Google turns towards the camera and villainously announces, “Try to take over the world!” Okay Google, we all get it. You are great at what you do. And frankly, it seems like you are doing a lot…

Capturing The Fourth

What says America more than barbeque, beer, and fireworks? The fourth of July is always a good time and of course you document it. Couple days later, you see these pictures surface on Facebook under a cleverly named album. All the photos are looking great until you have reached to the fireworks pictures. All those…

Crossing The Photo Chasm

Don’t you wish you could take photos as a full time job? Stop wishing and get serious. Turn that hobby into a profession that can pay the bills. According to, fewer than 10% of today’s photographers will only earn over $50,000 yearly. That’s a lot of cheddar that these photographers are missing on. This…