YouTube: 25,000 Words Communicated Per Second

Social Media is changing the way we communicate. People say a picture is worth a thousand words. With videos typically using 25 frames per second, at least 25,000 words worth of description are being communicated per second! The audio/visual medium reaches beyond words because it includes movement and sound. It delves deep into our senses…

Family Focus Friday: Game it Up with Social Media

Aside from communicating with the congregation, social media games can be created to teach and involve members. There are many different church wide activities that a church could host through social media. Game Examples Include: 1) Scavenger hunts for the congregation to play on social media sites. Twitter: Church members hosting the game could plant…

Social Media: Connecting The Traveling Believer

Does your job require you to move often? Military members, government workers, journalists… the list goes on and on. Unlike the majority, these people do not have the opportunity to become fully rooted in a community. They must change communities every time they move. It becomes difficult to feel close to a community and grow…