Social Media E-commerce: Sell Directly On Facebook

Learning to use social mediums like Myspace and Facebook to help promote your business to customers is critical nowadays. These tools let you update consumers instantly with new product or sales with just a click. Social media has always been a powerful tool for driving sales, but now you can sell to customers directly on Facebook….

Cloud Washing

Sitting here at MIT in class we are hearing all about “The Cloud”. 100% of the business owners in the room use solutions for their businesses. Have you heard enough about it yet? “For the wannabe cloud washlings out there, here is the cloud marketing playbook: Create a new consulting service to help cloud customers…

Social Media Connection: 3 Benefits Of Foursquare For Church Goers

Ever wonder which church service your friends are going to? Search no further with the use of Foursquare! Not to be confused with The Foursquare Church, this location-based mobile platform is not only great for checking into your favorite restaurant but is also great for church. 1) See where your friends are going. I don’t…

Are Online Adds Really Necessary? Rdio Thinks Not!

With sites like Pandora Radio, and Grooveshark there is certainly no shortage of online music streaming websites at your disposal.  While all of these websites have their pros and cons, they have one thing in common; they are convoluted with adds.  One online music streaming website has escaped the conglomeration of commercial adds that…