15 Stages of Online Presence Evolution Through Social Media, Part II

Exactly one week ago, we began a journey through the 15 stages of online presence through social media that we see our clients, friends, and even major corporations going through as they attempt to implement social media into their marketing strategy and overall online offering. Part I had the first three stages so if you…

Social Media Integration

Salty Waffle will integrate social media with your online presence to generate more sales, leads, press, and prospects. Hire our consultants, take our classes, or learn online right here. Stop spending so much money on adwords! We are your Dynamic SEO pros! We will do the writing for you or you can learn how to write and where to post your…

Social Media, Friends and Family, and the Scary Truth In ‘The Social Network’

A few days after it came out, I went to see ‘The Social Network’. Working in social media, there was no surprise there; I pretty much had to right? Anyway, as a history of disliking Oscar winning movies and a summer spent watching really terrible horror movies (for fun) can attest, I am in no…