Thirst for Learning

According to Dr. Bell if an employee is proud of the company that they work for, the team that they work with, their boss, and the products of the company they will stay forever. This note is on the white board in my office and has been there since last October when I attended the…

And The Winner Is…

Congratulations Curtsy Bella! You have won the $2,000 scholarship the Salty Waffle class: Navigate New Media and Make Mega Millions! (June 24th-25th) Thank you everybody for your submissions. The Salty Waffle strives to deliver practical lessons in a fun way. We welcome feedback on what you would like to see featured. If you would like…

Show Me The Money

The possibility of cash in your business is as finite at the stars in the sky. Barring some extreme circumstances you can predict the amount of money you will take home throughout the multiple stages of growth. There will always be money and the forces of nature will always be working on it. Here’s a…

Boppin’ in a Bathrobe

Could you see an adult wearing a bathrobe and cheetah hat, with leg warmers, and sandals dancing freely to Norwegian folk music on a rainy day.  You’d think “CRAZY”. Seriously, what sane person would go out in public like that? Having a little one, makes me notice more opportunities for fun. On the airplane when…

The Big Day-Party On

Like a bunch of beheaded chickens the crew from Ravenstone, Salty Waffle, and Arch Development are running around putting the final touches on the event. Thank you volunteers! Beer in the fridge-Check Wine chillin-Check Art hung-Check TP, Cleaning, lighting, bar, food, cupcakes are all coming along… It looks fantastic in here! So much art from…

Crave Symposium

Branding and business model are my assigned areas of expertise to contribute to 6 think tank sessions today. Eighty women who own businesses will also focus their energy on 6 lucky businesses. The first focus is on Belle Boudoir and the photographer, Cheryl Jones that started the company. Cheryl photographs women in a boudoir setting…

Virtual Office

After having an office, a lease, triple net, utilities, and so on, I don’t want the liability and obligation of so much overhead. This time around every person that is working on the projects under the Salty Waffle can work from their home office or beach towel if they please. We are setting up systems…