Sex Sells

As part of my vision for my life I see living a passionate life until my ashes fly through the air. It was my pleasure to hear about sexual investment strategies for a life time as presented by Felice Dunas at the EO University in California. She is a kind and caring sex expert, who…

I’m a Mac

Today I bought my first Mac since BabyLegs, we had to use PC’s with our systems. I feel more excitement that I did with the official close of selling my business. There is something that Apple does so well when it comes to the visceral reaction of their products. This excitement is something that I…

Will it Fly

“How do I know that my idea will fly?” asked Sam. Here you go Sam! Test it out on all of your friends and family members and see if they will pay for what you have to offer. If they will, then broaden your reach, ask them to tell others to test what you have….

Outsource Your Friends

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine commented that she had received praise from her peers over her daily online “updates”. She had been complimented on how often she not only updated her social networking pages, but on the overall relevancy and humor of those same status updates. This friend then went on…

Easter is My Superbowl

Easter is my favorite holiday. In fact, it’s not just my favorite holiday…it’s my Superbowl. Thanksgiving is a predictable one day affair and Christmas is a mostly shared engagement with tasks and meals appointed to family and friends. And then there’s Easter. Things officially kick off on the Saturday morning just one day prior in…


Vision: The formation of a mental image of something that is not percieved as real, is not present to the senses;direction necessary to chart your course. “Vision—it reaches beyond the thing that is, into the conception of what can be. Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your…