Make A Manifesto

Manifesto, aka How You Get Where You Want to Go: A declaration of principles, intentions, and ambitions. Written commitments that demonstrate exactly how the mission/purpose/ values will be executed. “Instead of this absurd division into sexes, they ought to class people as static and dynamic.” — Evelyn Waugh Exercise: Mini-Manifesto 1. Take your core values…

Break the Spell

She said, “It’s time to break that spell…that spell of “What If”. Yesterday I met with a woman venturing out into her first business. It’s something she’s been dreaming of doing and she is finally taking those first steps towards making it a reality. She was a little nervous as she reflected about the prospect…

Think Outside the Box or Just Change the Box?

Think outside the box or just change the box? Doug Burgoyne is the founder of FROGBOX, a “low environment impact alternative to traditional cardboard moving boxes.”; In an effort to minimize the environmental impact and stress of moving, FROGBOX offers a refreshing alternative in the form of reusable containers, dropped off at your home….

Facebook Uses

Why do you use Facebook? Initially, I used it to keep in touch with customers of BabyLegs and business associates. These days I also use it, as most do, to re-connect with old friends and keep track of new ones. I just read an article recently published on highlighting a study by Chadwich Marin…

Values in Parenting

Some of the best parenting advice I ever received was from a friend who told me “You don’t have to pick every battle, but you have to win the ones you pick.” A couple of days ago, the battle was over my daughter Sara taking a nap before attending a friend’s birthday party. Having recently…

Clear Values

Values: A collection of guiding, usually positive principles; what one deems to be correct and desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct. “Once your values are clear, decisions are easy.” – Walt Disney Not long ago, the creators of The Nurse Next Door took their team of employees out to dinner and asked them “Why…


We had our first official meeting to kick off the work that is leading up to the hard launch of . Gathered around the peninsula in the kitchen, we enjoyed homemade banana nut chocolate waffles. I’d invited three highly intelligent, highly capable individuals over to form a plan, and that we did. The big…

Mom 2.0

Mom’s are the most influential demographic there is online and I’m proud to be one! Just over a week ago I attended the in Houston, Texas. The summit was intended to foster conversation between bloggers and companies as well as provide learning for all attendees. I found myself chatting with Laura Mayes, one of…

Lessons from Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is a master of activating her fans to build her brand. She engages her listeners and fans in meaningful ways. She’s got her own name for her fans, they are the Little Monsters. She’s even got a Little Monsters tattoo! What do you do that adds value to the lives of your customers,…