New Updates to Twitter

Have you noticed the new Twitter updates? The new updates which were made available to the public last week are most noticeably a new header image and a photo stream.  The new header image is larger than before with all of your twitter information superimposed on the middle of it.  The look is simple and…

How People of All Ages Are Using Social Media to Connect

How People of All Ages Are Using Social Media to Connect Since the earliest days of the Internet, some were predicting that it would change how people live in modern society. The first years of the World Wide Web had only a modest effect, but the booming popularity of social media is now transforming developed…

Aligning the Interests of Social Media Marketers and their Customers

Aligning the interests of social media marketers and their customers can be tricky.  Especially since the marketers and the customers each want different things from social media. Marketers want to use social media to promote their products and have a platform to interact meaningfully with their customers, while most customers want online specials, deals or…

CNN + Facebook: A Social Media Election

The season of fall is almost upon us, and with that comes colder weather, pumpkins, and this year, the presidential election.  Democratic Candidates Barack Obama and Joe Biden have already started campaigning as usual, along with the Republican Candidates Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. However, this election could be slightly different, due in part to…

Social Responding on Facebook – Listening is Only Half the Battle

Today’s manic rant is about social media interaction.  Guess what?  You might need to be doing it differently.  Are you commenting back to your fans and community?  Are you actually DISCUSSING things with them, or are you just posting articles and wandering off? There is a huge impact to be made by coming down to…

App of the Week

Skyview Explore the Universe: With the recent hype of last week’s Mars Rover ‘Curiosity’ landing I thought it would be appropriate to share an app to do with space.  There is an app for those with an eye for Astronomy.  Skyview uses your phone’s location and paints a picture of the stars on your screen…