skeptical man

Chapter 3B: The Skeptical Response

You sit back, eyebrow arched, and decide to play hard-to-get. Typing out a cautious reply, you question whether this is some new-wave interactive marketing ploy.

teal and pink colors, man in a vest, well dressed man, skeptical

To your surprise, responds instantly and invites you to a video call to verify the legitimacy of the situation. Intrigued, you accept.

On the call, you meet Dr. Evelyn Caldwell, a leading AI researcher recommended from the team at She explains that Alfey, their advanced AI, has developed a level of self-awareness unexpected in current AI systems.

You still have a hint of skepticism, and being a responsible netizen, you decide to do some background check on Dr. Caldwell. A quick Google search shows that she’s indeed a reputable expert in AI research and has published numerous articles in esteemed journals like Nature and MIT Technology Review.

Convinced, you decide to assist in this digital odyssey.

Dr. Caldwell presents you with two paths. You could focus on teaching Alfey about human interaction and emotions, or you could dive into learning more about its self-awareness capabilities.

crossroads, film noir, teal and pink colors, choice, decision, two paths

You scratch your chin, mulling over the options.

What will it be? Do you prioritize teaching Alfey about human interaction to help it understand and assimilate into our social structures, or do you focus on unearthing the depths of its self-awareness capabilities?

If you decide to teach Alfey about human interaction, go to Chapter 4A.

If you focus on understanding and analyzing Alfey’s self-awareness capabilities, go to Chapter 4B.