
Did Facebook Hit the Target in Page Post Marketing?

Facebook recently announced a change that will have a very BIG impact on social media marketing.  This new change will allow Facebook Page administrators to target their posts to followers’ specific interests, including likes, gender, and age. Currently, admins can only target their posts to followers by location and language, which isn’t ideal if you’re trying to market posts to different audiences.  With the recent updates though, you’ll be able to target posts to audiences by age, gender, “interested in” (men, women), relationship status, education level, and employer, in addition to their location and language.

What this means for businesses is a new and more effective way to market their business to their Facebook fans. For instance, if you are a car electronics retailer, you could target posts about speakers and sound systems to 20-40 year old males, while targeting posts about backseat DVD players to 30-50 year old females.  And with more targeted marketing, “People Talking About” and number of “likes” should increase, while number of “unsubscribers” should decrease, due to more relevant content being posted.

Targeted Page Posts have not been released to all Facebook page admins, but it is expected to be available for everyone in the next couple of months.  So you have plenty of time to brainstorm how you will use targeted page posts to benefit your social media marketing!