Eventbrite Is In Touch With Its Social Side
If the crazy Twitter storm set off by the VMA’s didn’t prove events are a major driver of social media, Eventbrite’s newest layer of social integration should say something. As we prepare for the Crunchies tonight, Eventbrite is right at the middle of it, managing the tickets and providing social integration and even directions! Eventbrite was founded with the goal of “bringing together transactions and social interactions” and a week ago they deepened the connection between their service and the social giant itself.
When you log into your event manager inside Eventbrite, you can now easily connect with Facebook to publish your event and invite friends from your network. In addition, Eventbrite has also added a social recommendation feature that suggests events for you based on one’s your friends are attending.
Events are an inherently social activity and the way Eventbrite is simplifying the process of creating and sharing your events just makes sense. Events have a way of growing on Facebook like they don’t other places. Igniting members of your network who are passionate to attend something has the potential to spread the buzz about that event like wildfire.
Thanks to Eventbrite, you no longer have to worry about managing a Facebook event campaign and your Eventbrite page, they work together and give you access to the over 500 million friends that are online right now talking about all the great events they went to, want to go to, or want company for.
Here is a simple look at how the whole plan works to help your event get huge. And check out how easy it is!