
Family Focus Friday: Two Social Media Sites For Mom’s Baby Journal

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media kids, social media family, social media baby journalAre you looking for a place online to share you children’s funny moments with family in a safe way? Facebook seems to be the best place out there at first glance, however it is not the best social media site to satisfy this need. Here are two social media sites for families to come together:

1) Kidmondo: This personalized online baby journal allows you to chronicles your child’s first years. Members can:

  • have an online diary where you can capture all your child’s firsts.
  • track your child’s physical growth
  • keep track of medical records and food sensitivities
  • upload photo and video
  • scroll through an interactive timeline
  • share your journal with friends and family by using an RSS feed and email
  • turn your online journal into a physical book
Check out all the great features here.

2) TotSpot: is similar to Kidmondo, in the fact that it is an online journal. However, TotSpot is a private website about your baby, toddler, or child, as opposed to an online baby journal. On this site, friends and family can become members and you can build your network. Your family network is split into “adult friends” and “kid friends” to make things simpler. You can also build friend-lists for your kids. On the site you can post photos, videos, milestones, and growth charts. You can also share status updates and have a “real-time” activity stream of your child caught in a funny act. All that you upload can be shared with family. Check out the tour here.
