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How to Customize Your Google+ URL

gplus.toHave you been wondering if there’s a way to customize your Google+ URL?  Wonder no more my friends, your answer is here.  There’s a free service called gplus.to that shortens your Google+ URL into a nice, easy to remember link.  Plug in your G+ profile ID number on gplus.to and a customized URL will be generated for you.  You get to choose your preferred user name, as long as it’s still available, and like magic, your long URL becomes a short, sweet extension of you.  Check it out:

  •  BEFORE (boo!):   


  • AFTER (yay!):      


What a difference, right?  It’s super quick to do and I’m going to walk you through the process in 4 easy steps.

Step 1:  Go to http://gplus.to/

Step 2:  Access your Google+ profile page and copy your Google+ ID numbers.

Google+ Customized URL

Step 3:  Enter your “Nick Name” (how you want your name to appear in the URL) and paste “Your Google+ ID” in the boxes provided.

Step 4:  If your “Nick Name” is available, a green banner will appear.

There you go, you’re ready to rock with your new Google+ URL.  I look forward to connecting with you on G+ and if you need more help let me know.

Editor’s Note:  Angel Soria is an Internet Marketing Consultant, entrepreneur, columnist for the Tulare Kings Hispanic Times, and currently obtaining her Executive MBA at Fresno State.  To see how findable your business is online, visit www.fresnolocalinternetmarketing.com and enter your name and email address in the boxes provided.  Follow her @talk2angelsoria.