Location Pie: Check-In Market Share
A while back, we talked about how location-based social networks are growing rapidly despite the fact that it may not feel that way. I’ve been giving check-in a little more time lately and using some of the various apps had me curious as to just what the breakdown of services looked like these days.
Is Foursquare still in front? How about rapidly growing Gowalla and Facebook Places? I put together the most recent data I could find on some of the most popular options and made the pie chart below. Which of these services are you using to check-in? What other location services do you use on the go? Notice that not all of these are necessarily geared toward check-in, but are all location services in some sense.
The other thing to note is that these numbers are simply registered users. This doesn’t mean that all these people check-in or that one network is more active than another. Those numbers seem to be hard to come by, but this is a good start on getting a feel for what the location space is shaping up like.