Marketing Monday: HARO
To say that I have learned a lot since coming to Salty Waffle would be an understatement. One of the things I was completely oblivious to is a service called HARO. HARO stands for help a reporter out and is a site dedicated to linking up reporters in need of a story with people who have stories to tell.
For small businesses this is a great opportunity for free press. In addition to creating content every day I also look for HARO queries that might fit Salty Waffle or any individual working for Salty Waffle.
We like to respond to queries that are extremely relevant to our mission and goals. HARO’s idea is that everyone is an expert on something and we agree. When we have the opportunity we like to share on topics that we are experts on. When that response turns into a story, it is free publicity.
There is great business value in establishing you or your company as an expert; people want to buy from experts. The more helpful information you are able to put out, the better reputation you build and the more press you get. HARO is an efficient and reputable means of finding those press opportunities and building new partnerships.