
Online Christian Radio Part 2

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Welcome back to our run through of Christian radio stations online. Here are two new sites for you: 




3) LifeTalk Radio

On LifeTalk Radio you can listen live from your computer or find the radio stations in your area to tune in from on the go. Regardless of what you decide, you can view the program schedule so you know when to tune in. For on demand radio, LifeTalk’s Podcast access section is full of resources. There are 8 weekly programs that you can subscribe to. In addition to radio, the station also offers a place for you to make a donation, submit a prayer request, and join a bible study. Also, if you want to voice your opinion about the radio station as a listener, there is a comment bulletin.

4) K-Love

K-Love is one of my personal favorite radio stations to listen to. It helps that my name is Kayla :p
On their About Us page they state, “It’s actually all about you! At K-LOVE, we strive to give you the best music and material that you can find on the radio.” On their site you can listen live, learn about musicans and songs featured by entering the music room, and vote for the songs you want! Don’t want to listen online? Find a radio station near you. If you want to see the artists featured in concert check out the events section. If you are an artist you can also post your event!

Under their ministry section, you have the opportunity to:

A fun way to get involved is through the Contests section. They also offer free things like mobile apps, desktop backgrounds, bumper stickers, and coloring books. You can follow K-Love on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.


Tune in next week for Part 3!