
Online Christian Radio Part 3

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media radioWelcome back! Here is an overview of the next two Christian radio sites online:

5) Moody Radio
Moody Radio has many different programs that you can listen to from many different stations. If you would like to listen from your electronic source, their podcasts and special programs are for you!

They also have an online audio section. Here you can choose from three channels: Praise & Worship, the Majesty Radio, and Proclaim. To learn more you can check out News about the broadcasting station.

In addition to broadcasting, this site links to information on:

6) Thru the Bible Radio
In TTB’s About Us section they make a wonderful statement: “We have the privilege of being missionaries together–using the powerful tools of radio and Internet.” I believe this statement now extends to social media as well. We need to learn how to use these sources to our advantage as missionaries. You can share TTB through many different social media sites:

On their website you can view their Broadcast schedule as well as all the Programs they offer.


You can listen in many different languages. In addition, their Free Downloads include many helpful resources like booklets, notes & outlines, a chronological table of the kings and more. If you want to get more involved check out how you can help.

Stay tune for Part 4!