women experimenting in a lab, women laughing

Our AI Experiment: Unearthing The Repetition, Embracing The Unique


Here at AISmartMarketing.com, we’ve been knee-deep in an exciting AI experiment: we’ve been using AI to generate a plethora of content. But as we sipped our coffee and scrolled through the burgeoning AI-authored blog posts, we noticed something. The AI’s writing seemed to be caught in a bizarre case of déjà vu. Similar phrasings, matching ideas, eerily alike articles sprouting up across the digital expanse (Hello, Quora!). And that’s when we realized: AI needs a personal touch. A dash of our brand voice. A pinch of our unique essence.

When AI Sounds Like an Echo Chamber

AI, in all its digital glory, learns from existing data patterns. It’s like a toddler, mimicking what it sees. Unfortunately, it seems our AI toddler has developed a slight parrot syndrome, echoing the same ideas across various topics. It’s not entirely AI’s fault, though. It’s just really good at spotting and replicating trends. However, it often forgets that variety is the spice of life.

Understanding AI Parroting

Brand Voice and AI: A Match Made in Marketing Heaven

If AI is our toddler, then it’s time for some parental guidance. We need to train our AI child to speak our brand language. After all, we wouldn’t want our AI sounding like everyone else’s, would we? Our brand voice is like our digital DNA, it’s what sets us apart. By training our AI on our unique brand voice, we can infuse our content with a personality that’s unmistakably us.

Adding a Personal Touch: From Robot to Human (Almost)

Even with our brand voice, there’s something AI can’t do: replicate our unique human touch. That twinkle of wit in a blog post, the humor woven into the narrative, or the clever pun that makes you snort your coffee – that’s all us, baby! So, once AI has done the heavy lifting, we can step in and sprinkle our magic.

woman laughing with coffee, teal and pink colors

Making Your AI-Generated Blog Posts Stand Out

Just because our AI seems to be playing the ‘Copycat Game,’ doesn’t mean our content has to be bland. Here are a few tips to make your AI-generated content really pop:

Add Your Unique Insights

Pepper your content with your unique insights and experiences. This personal touch can make even the most common topics feel fresh and engaging.

Spice Up Your Language

Don’t be afraid to play with language. Add some puns, throw in a few metaphors, and before you know it, your content will be as spicy as grandma’s chili.

grandma cooking chili, spicy chili

Change The Format

Who says blog posts have to follow the same old format? Mix it up! Interviews, FAQs, listicles – the digital world is your oyster.

Conclusion: Our AI Experiment Continues…

AI has been a fun (and sometimes repetitive) roller coaster ride. We’ve learned a lot, and there’s still more to uncover. Like that perfect lasagna recipe, we’re continually tweaking and perfecting our AI strategy. We add a dash of brand voice, a sprinkle of human touch, and voila! We have content that’s as unique as a four-leaf clover.

So, what’s next on our AI journey? Probably a bout of digital parenting as we train our AI to mimic our brand voice. And perhaps some content decorating as we add our personal touches. Whatever it is, one thing’s for sure: it won’t be repetitive!

Join us on our AI journey and learn how to create unique AI content with our course at AISmartMarketing.com.