PlugOut: An Electrifying Seattle Start-Up
Have you ever thought about how much energy you use when you work out? Ever wondered what you could power with all that energy? Well, Ryan Barr and his team at PlugOut have and that is precisely the idea behind their revolutionary fitness products. You see, their ellipticals, cycles, and bikes, built right here in Seattle, capture the energy you put into a workout and pump electricity right back into the grid.
Everything about PlugOut is slick. There is no complicated installation process, you simply plug the cord into a regular outlet and get your workout on. As part of a project at the University of Washington, a group of students looked into PlugOut and its competitors and the results were clear: PlugOut is the coolest.
In addition to the simple installation process and very competitive price point, PlugOut has the best touch screen interface design and the best workout experience vs. the others. The thing that was especially exciting to us here at Salty Waffle was the social media capabilities the machines will have in the near future. Using a login associated with a Twitter account, you log into a machine when you start to work out and it actually tracks how much electricity you produce.
You can then choose to post that information to share with your friends or keep it to yourself if you prefer. The potential for promotions, challenges, and games associated with the platform are endless. Gyms owners can use the social (and obviously green appeal) to get gym patrons more involved in their workout and even attract new members.
PlugOut is busy rolling out to schools, small gyms, and perfecting their products. They hope to have a new website up at the beginning of the year and already have some great press stories getting some serious buzz. It is no surprise, a workout machine that actually produces electricity is a catchy story. It makes you feel like the future has arrived!
Look out for the new site and for their equipment at a gym near you soon! Putting a workout to good use for the environment and connecting with friends while doing it just sounds awesome.