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Promote Your Posts on Facebook’s Fan Page

Facebook has just launched a service that allows you to promote your posts on your fan page! The only drawback is that you must have at least 400 fans that like your page. So, how does it work? Well, when you write a post to all your Facebook fans, you can click on the promote button show in the image below.

promotion button, Facebook, promote on fan page, promoteThen, you set your budget from the $5-300 range, but each fan page will differ in the options depending on how many likes it has received from fans. Below is an example of a fan page’s choice in how much to pay to promote a post.

The post will be shown to all your fans that like already like the page and if they interact with the post, it will be shown to their Facebook community as well. These posts will actually show up in the mobile and regular news feed, not in the sponsored ad section in the left column.

So what’s next you ask? Well, you can measure how your promoted post is doing by looking at the metrics. You can see the number of fans who have seen your promoted post.

post analytics, Facebook, % of people seen postYou can also look at how those people saw that post: organic (shown up news feed), viral (saw it through friends’ Facebook), and paid (amount you paid and people actually saw it)

paid post analytics, Facebook, post seen organically virally paidIt also gives you a summary of the promoted advertisement.

paid post analytics, Facebook, summary of paid post resultSo you may be wondering why you would pay people to see your posts? Well, promoted posts are supposedly is going to have more people seen by more people than organic ones. However, this is a very new tool, so the verdict is still out on its effectiveness. What has your experience been like? Please share!

P.S. Special thanks to the following sites for their insight!

