Recycling Hubcaps in Art
We all have junk that we throw away; everyday items that are valueless once they have been used or replaced. However, artist Ptolemy Elrington does not think we should take our trash so lightly. He has used his artistic talent to recycle something that most of us see lying on the side of the road constantly- hubcaps.
The artist sees it as his goal in life to remind people to take care in what they deem trash. His hubcap creatures, and even shopping cart creations, give new life to once-discarded bits of metal. He brings value to what people have deemed value-less.
As the artist says:
“All around us are things of beauty and value, but their attributes are interpreted very subjectively. I believe that things utilitarian, or which give pleasure to the eye have the highest value. I come across many things which have been abandoned and find something more in them than their intrinsic worthlessness.
Hubcaps, for instance are Aesthetic in purpose but ultimately of very little use. They’re automatically rubbish when on the side of the road, but with a little effort and imagination I transform them into something which gives people a great deal more pleasure.”
Here are some examples of his hubcap art. Hopefully they will inspire you to take a look at the things in your life which you take for granted. There is value in everything; you just have to find it.
Fish: The artist’s largest body of work is his fish. These creatures of the sea are made of discarded hubcaps, but he brings them to startling life.
Other animals: After his success with hubcap fish, the artist also did commission pieces for other types of hubcap animals.
Fanciful: Branching out beyond just the animal world, these hubcap creations encompass both fantasy and history.
Author Bio
Heather Smith is an ex-nanny. Passionate about thought leadership and writing, Heather regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and parenting blogs/websites. She also provides value to service by giving advice on site design as well as the features and functionality to provide more and more value to nannies and families across the U.S. and Canada. She can be available at H.smith7295 [at]