
Ride Like A Penguin: Value

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media ride like a penguinAs you can probably tell from some of my past articles ( 1 & 2 ) I am at a point of trying to figure out my values, motivations, purpose, and passions. I am currently reading the book Ride Like a Penguin by Nicole Donnelly and want to share a few words of wisdom with you. Each week I will be going over one chapter at a time until we get through the 15 chapter book. Please give me your feedback along the way. 🙂
Chapter 1 is all about Your Values.  

1) An Overview of the Chapter:

“Ideally, you want to work for a company whose core mission and vision reflects the same set of values by which you’ve navigated your own life.” So, “Your professional goals need to be aligned with your personal values. In doing so, you create your own understanding of what matters most to you and avoid the risk of creating a conflict between attaining success and doing something you find de-motivating.”

“By determining your personal values, you are not only establishing an inner bedrock, but you’re figuring out what it is that motivates and energizes you.”

Once you have defined your values, they “become your action plan and a good guideline for future decision-making.”

What does it look like when you move toward living your values?
“It cannot be some vague perception of what your value should look like, but rather, it should be a measurable sense of how you live your life. Your decision-making and daily behavior must reflect what is most important to you… Unless you live those values, you’re just an imitation of yourself and your goals. The point is to put your values into action.”

2) Reflection & Application

Now reflect on what this means to you…

Discussion Questions:
1) What are your top values?
2) Do your personal values align with your professional ones?
3) How do you put them into practice daily?
4) How could you improve?

3) Me

Getting stuck in a de-motivating dead end job is one fear that has been weighing heavily on my heart lately. I have not reflected enough on what I value and therefore do not know what to pursue. In many ways I have trouble giving my career to God because uncertainity does not sit well with me, but God is helping me surrender to him. Doing this exercise and defining my values has helped me remember what I work for. My values:

  • Family
  • Fun (To enjoy life)
  • Enthusiastic & Positive
  • Discipline
  • Honesty / Being Genuine (with myself and others)
  • Respect
  • Generous & Caring
  • Loving

Two verses that relate to these values are: Deuteronomy 6:5 and Colossians 3:12-15.

The idea of having values verses living them defiantly resonated with me. I have many values that I do not actively play out. One way I need to improve is by having more self discipline to persue unity between what I do and what I value.