
Social Media For Public Confession & Prayer

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media prayerSocial Media is created for building community. It is created to share, to lean, and to grow as people. One way social media is used for people of faith is for public confession and prayer.
1) Public Confession

Social media can be used as a tool for confession. Some times it is helpful to publicly confess something in order to show others you are serious. One thing many Christians publicly confess is their new relationship with Jesus when they are baptised in church. By doing this, everyone can see that you are committing yourself to Christ.

In Ezra 10:1, Ezra prays and makes a confession to God. People join him and they vow to change their ways together.

Ezra 10:1 – “While Ezra prayed and made this confession, weeping and lying face down on the ground in front of the Temple of God, a very large crowd of people from Israel—men, women, and children—gathered and wept bitterly with him.”

By publicly confessing certain things we create a stronger sense of accountability since the people around us know about that confession and commitment to change. In the article God’s Word For How To Use Social Media, I had the opportunity to confess that I haven’t been writing these articles from the write motivation. God was able to help me see this and now I am working with him. I am glad that my readers know of this struggle and believe it is one way social media helped me confess something and move on.

2) Prayer

In addition to confession, social media is a great medium for prayer requests. Many of the sites that I have highlighted in past articles have places to submit prayer requests. In addition to these, some other social media sites are great for direct requests to your networks.Twitter: is one great medium for prayer. There are many different Twitter handles for people coming together to pray for one another. Here are four to name a few:

Facebook: is another great social media site for prayer. You can have more communication about a particular prayer request and it allows for prayer groups to form. One private christian wives group I am a part of has had some very supportive conversations. An example is below:
Discussion Questions:
1) Do you think social media is a good tool for confession?
2) How have you used social media for confession?
3) Do you think social media is a good tool for prayer?
4) How have you used social media for prayer?