Salty Social Media Vocabulary: New Vocab for 2019

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: New Vocab for 2019

Welcome back to another edition of Salty Social Media Vocabulary, where we cover all things social media, CX, and everything around and in between. Because we’ve recently covered social media strategies, including proactive and listening strategies, we thought it prudent to also cover some phrases and abbreviations that may help you along the way. We’ve chosen a…

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: What’s in a Meme?

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: What’s in a Meme?

As brands do, it wasn’t long after memes hit the internet that marketers tried to appropriate them into marketing and content plans. Of course memes can be a unique way to connect with an audience, and many brands have had success either creating brands or piggybacking on trending memes. Generally brand meme strategies seem to fall…

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: What’s in a Theme?

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: What’s in a Theme?

Welcome back to Salty Social Media Vocabulary, where we explore and define all things social media and social media marketing. As the name indicates, there’s no specific theme to this week’s social media vocabulary list, so let’s get started! Adwords: is the name for Google’s ever-popular PPC technology that targets adverts to specific keywords and…

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: Motivated by FOMO Edition

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: Motivated by FOMO Edition

It’s Tuesday, which means it’s time for Salty Social Media Vocabulary! Today’s list runs a broad gamut, so let’s dive right in. Doxing: the act of researching and publicizing someone’s personal information via the internet. A fairly popular activity of both activists and trolls.   IDTIMWYTIM: “I Don’t Think it Means What You Think it…

How to Cite a Tweet: A Guide for MLA, Chicago, and APA

How to Cite a Tweet: A Guide for MLA, Chicago, and APA

Just a few years ago citing a tweet might have seemed absurd. But with academics, celebrities, and politicians all aboard the tweet train, tweets have become a valid and citable source for statements. But how does one cite a tweet? Check out the handy guide below. Of course citation guidelines depends on whether you’re using…

MasterChef on Twitter

If you’re not yet doing so I highly recommend following MasterChef on Twitter.  The culinary smash hit does an amazing job building their presence on the real-time information network which quickly shares updates with their followers.  As part of their Twitter campaign they use a # (hashtag) marking the keyword #masterchef, driving people to categorize…

Get the Skinny on Perks at Top Social Network Companies

Peeps who work at tech companies get a lot of hype so let’s get the skinny on perks at top social network companies.  LinkedIn was one of the most successful initial public offerings of 2011, and has since been one of the most transparent and open workplaces in technology.  Employees are able to jam out…

Events Drive Social Media: The VMA Twitter Storm Spectacular

This past Sunday, MTV’s Video Music Awards were at the center of the twitterverse (Twitter universe). If you watched, you no doubt noticed how many times they would check the tweets related to the event. They tracked tweets for artists and then encouraged the audience and viewers to keep tweeting. As of Monday night, there…