Tech Review: Lumia 900
The Finnish Exchange has begun. Windows has made a step towards the higher end smartphone market. The Nokia Lumia 900 is run on a Windows platform that aims to compete with both Apple and the top Android phones for a slice of the high end smartphone market. While this is not Nokia’s first smartphone marketed towards the United States, the Lumia 900 may well determine Nokia’s future in North America.
The Nokia Lumia 900 is a big eye-catching phone made from a single polycarbonate plastic with a matted back and glossy mooth sscreen. In addition to the standard black and white the Lumia 900 also comes in bold pink and vibrant cyan.
Pros: Standout Design: The Lumia 900 has large peppy buttons with a seemingly pop culture inspired interface. It also has a relatively large 4.3 inch screen compared to the iphone 4’s 3.5 inch screen.
Cons: Has an 8 megapixel camera but only 720p video recording.
Overall: The Nokia Lumia 900 is a statement piece: A huge audacious phone with strong features that will get noticed. Windows and Nokia have made a statement. No reason that all phones should look the same. Try out the Nokia Lumia 900 firsthand to get a feel for the Windows’ operating system yourself.