What Are You Afraid Of: Just Do It

jurassic park, fear, social media, marketing, communicationFear is only as strong as the power that you give it. When people ask if I’m scared about starting a new business. My gut reaction is “no”. There is a discomfort of not being familiar with this type of business, but I can find comfort in seeking out people with a similar type of business model and asking them how it has worked for them. What are the best systems, process, and procedures that have lead to success.

I’m not going to die or break my leg from doing business. No dinosaur is going to eat me. Fear is an illusion of all the things that I allow to enter my thoughts. And yes doubts can and will arise.

It’s how you deal with doubt or fear that will make you a success or keep you stagnant. There are many ways to get stuck, one is analysis paralysis. That is quite common.

Acknowledge what is holding you back, name it, find a work around, or a solution then let it go. Burn a paper with your fear written on it or whatever it may take to let it go. There is finality with fire.

When I get home I’ll post about what happened when I faced my biggest fear head on here in Hawaii, hyper-ventalating all the way through to the other side. Yes, I broke on through to the other side!