
YouTube: 25,000 Words Communicated Per Second

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media bethany community church, bethany community church, spilling hopeSocial Media is changing the way we communicate.

People say a picture is worth a thousand words. With videos typically using 25 frames per second, at least 25,000 words worth of description are being communicated per second! The audio/visual medium reaches beyond words because it includes movement and sound. It delves deep into our senses and has the ability to stir up a strong emotional response. This underlying fact, combined with a social aspect, has made YouTube very valuable in the world of social media. The ability to share video online is one powerful social media tool that can touch hearts and motivate people.

One example of a church that used this medium well to show their story is Seattle based, Bethany Community Church. They began a life changing campaign this past month called Spilling Hope. The heart warming mission was to spend 50 days simplifying lives to save money. Tasks included doing simple things like making coffee at home or packing lunches instead of purchasing. In the midst of simplifying, the congregation learned about the poverty of water issues of East Africa. For example, roughly 1 in 8 people throughout the world do not have access to safe, clean drinking water. Then, after 50 days, everyone took the money they saved through simplifying, to give to the Living Water International movement in Uganda who builds wells in the poverty stricken Ntungamo region. This video shares the experience with anyone who watches and definitely makes me want to get involved!
